Ever vigilant, Admiral Ackbar is always on the lookout for possible traps.
I got these new Prismacolor brand, cool grey markers to shade my ink sketches with. They're pretty neat. A couple of the lighter ones don't show up when scanned though. Ackbar actually had some spots on his head that I made with one of the light ones.
I'd definatley recommend these markers for sketching with. My only complaint is that the pack includes three black markers, which isn't all that big of a deal but the entire pack could have been cheaper otherwise. Plus, I don't think I'll be needing the black ones as much since I'm using some Copic pens for the line work.
I got these new Prismacolor brand, cool grey markers to shade my ink sketches with. They're pretty neat. A couple of the lighter ones don't show up when scanned though. Ackbar actually had some spots on his head that I made with one of the light ones.
I'd definatley recommend these markers for sketching with. My only complaint is that the pack includes three black markers, which isn't all that big of a deal but the entire pack could have been cheaper otherwise. Plus, I don't think I'll be needing the black ones as much since I'm using some Copic pens for the line work.